L= Lake of sorrows
O= Oceans of tears
V= Valley of struggle
E= End of Life
L= Living
E= End of the Expectations. (LIFE: my own creation)
'Love' and 'Life' are very closely associated words. Without love, no human being keeps continuing living with happiness. There are different viewpoints to the approach of definition of Love and Life. I have different view point regarding these. Some says- life is love; some says-life is combination of happiness and sorrows. Different people define Love and Life differently how they feel about these from their own heart.
It is very hard to define Love and Life. Truly speaking, I think there is no exact definition of Love and Life. I would say-no body can define the Love and Life that suitable for all of us. This is because we have different feelings about love and life. The circumstances belonging person to person's life must not necessarily be the same. So do the existence of variety of experiences about Love and Life.
I say- Love is the connection between two hearts. Love is countless God gifted feelings but it differs whom you share this feelings. In my opinion, Love is not done, but it is automatically generated in our heart. I believe-One can experiences his/her love being far away rather than being together. The more distant you are (from someone), the stronger will be the love. Some says, Love is life which never ends. But I think love is sometimes abstract speculation what you have; that makes you happy, sometimes what is far from your heart; that gives you bunches of sorrows that ultimately ruins your future. Always try your best not to be close and not to be far from the LOVE because both are very dangerous.
On other hand, life is somewhat a way of living. Life is a combination of all our feelings, expectations that ultimately lead us to way of failure and success, it depends how we can give a successful ending, to what extent we can proceed. In this universe we have certain expectations to achieve along the way of living, we always have a fear whether we can grab this opportunity successfully or not: not only in between the starting and destiny but also at the end of its result.
Here are some greeting cards explaining about Love and Life.